Wednesday, June 7, 2023

"Won't Forget, Can't Regret, What We Did For Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Or something, darlings.  Anyway, to give you an idea of the 50th high school reunion I went to last weekend, here are some of us seated in the renovated and very different from our time high school auditorium.

                               This was the culmination of a tour through a building most of us had not stepped in within 50 years.  Yes, half a century, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  And we are still here.

                                Going through the school, I felt like Alice going through Wonderland.  Had I just been dropped in the building from space, I would never have known where to go.

                               I am seated in the first row, second from the left.  See my orange cap?  In that row are all of my favorite classmates; others are seated behind.  This is the group that bonded quickest, both at this event and Saturday night.  I want to thank all seated for your company and being so warm and friendly to me.  I had been so nervous about this, because of the number 50.  It is pretty daunting.  

                                I don't know when, if ever we will see each other again, or where our paths in the future will take us, but, as per this picture, I was glad to see each and every one of you.

                               I learned two things from this event.

                               That my adolescence was not as shitty as I often made it out to be.

                               Never to judge those still living in the town or nearby area they grew up in.

                               Auditorium seaters, I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. SO glad you went!!!
    And that It was a Healing experience!!!
    I know I said I’d never go to my hs reunion but, now I am curious!
    Sure it was hell, however there WERE two people who were kind to me!!
    I’ve never received an invitation, or ANY correspondence at all; how did they contact you? Online??

  2. Victoria,
    It turned out to be more than I expected it to be.
