Friday, June 16, 2023

......."Yes, I Said, Yes, I Said, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Happy Bloomsday, girls!  Also, happy birthday to my only niece, who was born on this day, back in 1968.

                                Above is the end of Molly Bloom's Soliloquy.  Darlings, the woman is having an orgasm!  Now, I am not here to sexually liberate anyone, but I say, if you want to celebrate Bloomsday by having an orgasm, then go ahead, and do so.  I mean, who am I, to stop anyone?

                                  Past years, I have stood in the living room, center, and read Molly's soliloquy aloud.  Sometimes I have just perused it with the eyes.  Or listened to a recitation of it on You Tube.

                                     Or read some of Joyce's more accessible works, like "Dubliners," and "A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man."  I strongly recommend "The Dead" in "Dubliners."

                                       So, Happy Bloomsday to all, wishing you to be as free and joyous as Molly Bloom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Her name is so apt.  She blossoms before us.

                                          That Joyce.  What a guy. Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How was your Bloomsday?!!
    I read the soliloquy, I recited a few lines.
    I Used to be pretty “joyous and free” but felt the pressure to conform.
    Now that I’m in my sixties I’d like to get back to that mindset.
    Who was I trying to please??
    It was Never going to be enough, never Ever good enough!!
    Let’s be our True Selves; patient, kind, faithful and forgiving, but also Honest and Real!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Bloomsday was a busy one here, starting with a fire
    in our building. It soon was prevented with little harm
    to place or people.

    I read the soliloquy, reciting certain passages in the
    middle of my living room.
