Monday, July 17, 2023

A Sad Farewell To Elise Finch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It was part of our evening routine.   After "Judge Judy," we switched to CBS News, because I felt that is where the best reporting came from.  Not to mention the best weather forecasting.

                            Girls, we all adore Lonny Quinn.  Hubba Hubba.   But the others--John Elliott, and Vanessa Murdock were more than competent.

                               But there was something special about Elise Finch.

                              She did weather broadcasts beautifully.  And her smile was radiant in front of the camera.  She really cared about what she was doing.

                              But, by her example, her smile, her hair, and the way she dressed, she sent out the message that plus sized people can be attractive.  She would have done ANNA proud.

                               Sure that might not have been Elise's intention, but the message was left upon m any people, I am sure.  She made me think twice about how I dress.

                                 That her death was sudden, and not even known yet, is as sad as her dying is.  She left us all too soon, but her mark was left on TV, on the world, in multiple ways.

                                  Her hometown of Mt. Vernon, NY will mourn her.  As will all readers on here.

                                   Rest In Peace, Elise.  In your own, quiet way, you were a trailblazer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A shocking, tragic loss.
    Had she been ill, do you know??
    How old are her children?

  2. Victoria,
    She has one daughter, Grace. From pics, I would say she
    is under 10. I wonder if it was a concealed illness, or
    one she did not know she had. There are lots of possibilites.
