Friday, July 14, 2023

Another Lesson Learned From Rona Jaffe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       No girl should be without a circlet of orange blossoms.  Now, wait a minute, I know they are generally used for weddings, but why not use it as a lovely fashion accessory?  And while orange is ideal, I would be proud to wear a circlet of pink blossoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I haven't been this informed by a novel since reading Mary McCarthy's "The Group," at age 16!!!!!!!!!!!!   And it still holds up, by the way, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         But, really, girls, isn't this just the loveliest thing???????????  I wonder who the best designer for it is?????????????????????????????

                           Delacroix?  Balenciaga???????????  Vera Wang????????????????

                           Hey, ANNA, what do you think????????????????


  1. 🎼Crown us with many crowns...
    I like that hymn.

  2. Victoria,
    That is one of mine too.
    When I was in the choir at Dignity, we
    sang that one often.
