Thursday, July 6, 2023

Girls, THIS Is A Fashion Faux-Pas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Of course, it is perfect for Giulietta Masina in Fellini's 1954 film "La Strada," and in 1969, I am sure Bernadette Peters donned a similar outfit, when she starred in a flop musical version of the film, which opened on December 14, 1969, where it made history of a sort, by closing after its opening performance.

                                     For the purposes of the above, this look is fine.  But I happen to know someone, who shall remain anonymous, whose  look, in make-up, design and wardrobe, seems to be emulating this look, even though she has never seen the film, and I doubt she knows it.

                                         The poor thing has no awareness of how she looks, and to imagine her walking into meetings or job interviews, not to mention what ANNA would say is too incredulous to imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Trust me, girls, unless going to a Halloween costume party, this is a look you do not want to adopt.  My most fervent wish for the person in question is someone sitting down with her and taking her to task, in a kindly way, with tactful but formative suggestions.

                                              My fear is she would ignore it.  She exudes confidence in the way she looks, and that is part of the game, but it does not seem to be eliciting the results she wants.

                                                 Here is my suggestion--if still wishing to emulate a Fellini film, stick to  1965's "Juliet Of The Spirits."  The make-up and costumes are stunning, and something to aspire to.

                                                  The "La Strada" look  would not even pass muster in a second rate Italian restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m intrigued about who you might be referring to.
    It’s not a celebrity is it??
    I have an acquaintance who dresses outrageously, hair and makeup included.
    Should I say something, do you think??
    I don’t know her well, however sometimes these things are better coming from an outsider??

  2. Victoria,
    I will email you and let you know who the person is.
    It is not a celebrity In matters such as these, I think it comes
    better from someone on the outside. You know you might be too
    close to your person in question. I know we are.
