Friday, July 14, 2023

Let's Get Rid Of The Mean People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But How????????????????????????????

                           There are these production companies like Supermission, Generation Of Hope, and Moci Studios, who make what would in another time have been called public service films.  These are meant to teach compassion and understanding for interacting with different types of people.

                             The two environments most shown are the workplaces of our lives--school and the job.

                               The Mean Girl scenarios are pretty standard, but deadly to watch, because they are so young.  But when adults, like above, act this way, there is no excuse.  The favored scenario is the job applicant treating an underling as though beneath him/her, unaware that the so-called underling is actually the CEO.

                                  If any of you have been in similar situations, having been looked down upon, or dissed, without any reason, these videos should be a morale booster.

                                   And for those out there who do behave as badly portrayed--take a good look at yourselves in these, films, and then in the mirror.

                                     Oh, the mirror might just crack, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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