Friday, July 21, 2023

What The Hell Is "Haxan?" And How Can I See It????????????????????????




                           I am surprised I have never written on here about Benjamin Christensen's 1922 film, because, for one thing, that nun image is familiar to me, and I have to wonder whether or not Ken Russell was influenced by this when putting together his 1971 film, "The Devils."

                             This 1922 film is billed as a horror/documentary.  This might possibly be the first mockumentary ever made.  I thought it was a lost film, like "London After Midnight," but clearly it is out there somewhere, and I have GOT to see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Witches, possessed nuns, Satanic rituals--I am on board to see this.  The images recall early Melies, but the use of black and white is what makes some silent films so interesting, so more visually arresting than more contemporary, talking films.

                                   Get out your whips, girls, dress like a nun, and flagellate yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It could be a night of devilish fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   How can I see "Haxan," girls????????????????????



  1. What is it about black and white!
    It changes the feel, for sure.
    When I was little I thought Olden Times were actually black and white.
    I didn’t think it through lol

  2. Victoria,
    I had a similar experience. Since I grew up till 1966
    with a black and white TV, I thought the world beyond mine
    was all in black and white. I also thought that since
    a movie house was so dark, it would be nighttime when we
    came out of the film. What perspectives we had as children.
