Friday, August 18, 2023

"And If You Go Chasing Rabbits, And You Know You're Going To Fallllllllllllllllllllll..."


If those words seem familiar to you, darlings, then it should not come as surprise that the painter of these lovely drawings is none other than former rock queen Grace Slick.

Of course, Grace will always be queen to those of a certain age, but her what I call 'Alice' art is remarkable.  She does other works, too, but the 'Alice' drawings are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the first one of Alice with the White Rabbit sitting on her lap, reading to her in the moonlight.  Isn't that a comforting image, hons?????????????  I recommend for bedtime.

And while listening to Grace sing "White Rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


1 comment:

  1. Victoria,
    Same here! Yes, it was one of the best songs
    of the Sixties!
