Thursday, August 17, 2023

Did You Know That From The 15th Until Tomorrow Is The 54th Anniversary Of Woodstock????????????????????????????

                                    It was ten years ago this year that I finally got there, and did my little song set to a crowd that gathered, happy to get a free performance at Woodstock.

                                    And, of course, in 1969, having just graduated from eighth grade, I walked to the entrance of the New Jersey Turnpike, New York bound, to try and hitch a ride to Woodstock.  My parents had no idea--until friends of my parents, coming home, spotted me, and ordered me into their car.  My parents had a fit when we got home, but you know what?  I listened to the whole thing on the radio and watched the continuous television coverage.

                                      Woodstock turned out to be the cultural event of the Twentieth Century.  Nothing before or since has equaled it.  I wish I could say I had been there, but I am proud enough to say I am old enough to have lived through it.

                                  Everyone has their own personal memories of Woodstock. But its most emblematic image to me is of Grace Slick singing her classic, "White Rabbit."

                                  Happy 54th, Woodstock, and to all who remember it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Grace is still alive and kickin’ in her eighties!!
    She is more focused on art now, I read.

  2. Victoria,

    Grace in her eighties? That makes me feel old.
    I would love to see samples of her art work. She alwasy
    was very talented.
