Friday, August 25, 2023

Happy Birthday, Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Talk about fashion and closets!  Today happens to be Blake Lively's birthday, a major fashion event in itself, and highly appropriate it takes place the same week as the September "VOGUE" appears.

                            Blake is 36 today, and, girls, wouldn't we all want to look this good at 36, and wear that gorgeous dress!  This would not be bad day, in honor of Blake, to go through your closets, darlings, because sooner than you know it, the fall fashions will be here, and you will have to purge and fill those closets with new stuff--outfits, shoes, etc.

                           So, Happy Birthday to Blake Lively.  I wonder how she will celebrate it.  I mean, does Los Angeles have an equivalent of Sylvia Weinstock?  Because no one has replaced her in NYC.  If they have, I do not yet know about it, so please tell me.

                             Once again Happy Birthday, Blake Lively!  You raise the bar high for us all!!!!!!!!!!!