Tuesday, August 8, 2023

"How Do You Get To Wonderland?/Over The Hills, Or Underland/Or Just Behind The Trees?"

                               This is positively, girls, the finest exhibition I have ever seen since The Met Costume Institue did its "Heavenly Bodies" exhibit on Catholic culture, back in 2018.  Because "Wonderland Dreams" is so special, I will break it down, picture by picture, and share my thoughts with you, then.  This is how I would paint areas of my apartment, if I could.  So, here we go---
                                Fit for a King, or Queen, darlings!  Isn't this fabulous? Look at those colors, and those confluence of patterns!  I had never heard of Alexa Meade, prior to this, but now, I am telling you, she is one artist to keep an eye on.
                                Now, this illustrates why I think ANNA should get down here and see this exhibit, if she has not already.  Has anyone at VOGUE seen this exhibit?  Well, I will soon fix that.  I confess I wanted to take this outfit with me, and those backgrounds as well.
                        Here I am in the Garden Of Roses, with my teacup, conveniently left on the chair.  The Queen Of Hearts is not present; to avoid copyright infringement charges by the Lewis Carroll estate, the presentation is only suggested by Carroll's work, not a literal replication of it.  Rather, it is Mead's own vision of Wonderland, and allows us to be Alice!  Something I always wanted to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                         Here we are at our own Mad Tea Party!  Can you believe these colors and designs?  The serving ware and the cakes and dainties were so elegantly designed I wanted to bite into every one of them. But, you see, they aren't real; this is an exhibition of imagination.  The people herein are real--that is myself, seated on the left, Dan sitting next to me, Norma behind me, and my beloved David behind all of us.  A very merry un-birthday to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Here are Norma and I in one of the many keyholes and doorways one can wander in and out of, to find one's way through Wonderland.
                                 Here is Dan in the stars and mushrooms room.  I would love to have one of my home walls painted like that.  As for Dan, he is bringing us back to "the dawning of the age of Aquarius."
                                  And here are Dan, Norma and I in the orange floral room.  I mean, don't our outfits match this exhibit?   Take note, ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Of course, I am on the horse.
                    And here we have a giant-sized Norma, in a tiny Alice house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   But I am not through yet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Just look at these patterns, girls!  I am telling you this is a template to the inside of my mind.  Who needs windmills?  Also, were I permitted to, I would paint every wall in my apartment like this stylistically.  Maybe more orange, yellow and pink, but Alexa Meade and I are on the same page with color.

                       "We're all mad here," Alice was told.  But isn't that better than our reality?

                          So, take a plunge into "Wonderland Dreams."  Your fantasies come true at 529 Fifth Avenue, between 43rd and 44th Streets.

                            "When I read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing would never happen, and now here I am in the middle of one."--Alice in "Alice's Adeventures In Wonderland."

                               Your Wonderland fantasy awaits, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love it!!!
    All in a golden afternoon!!

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed! I just sent an email with the picture of me
    in the robe up against the patterned wall, to VOGUE,
    to see if this will get ANNA's attention!
