Tuesday, September 5, 2023

An ANNA Addendum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What Will Happen To Her Clarice Cliff Collection????????????????

                          Indeed.  That fabulous collection which rests in her office at 101 World Trade Center.  Will it stay?  It might get stolen.  Will she take it with her?  It had better be packed properly.

                           ANNA, this is just one among many things to be considered before forsaking New York.  The other is, can I have your office?  I would LOVE the view.  And I would take good care of the Clarice. Cliff collection.

                           I am sure there will be more addendums in the weeks to come.  But it isn't up to me, darlings!

                           It's all up to ANNA.  Isn't it just????????????????


  1. “Forsaking nyc”!! You do have a way with words!!!
    Reminds of the Bible verse, God will never leave us or forsake us!!!
    I mean, she IS a wealthy woman, she could jet back and forth in luxury.
    Enjoy the novelty of London, influence the fashion scene over there, then back across the pond!!

  2. Victoria,
    I suppose you are right, but it just would not be the same.
    However as long as her name appears on the Editor In Chief
    masthead, I will be happy.
