Friday, September 15, 2023

How Many Of Us Growing Up Had A Magic 8 Ball????????????????????????

                                            I didn't, darlings, but knew so many who did it was almost like owning one. I was always fascinated by the liquid the answer cube seemed to float in.  This was created in 1946, so it is 77 years old this year.

                                            But the Ouija Board preceded it, having been created in 1890.  Magic 8 Ball is more fun, but if you take this sort of thing seriously, Ouija is more reliable.

                                            When young, we think that toys and games are created especially for us.  

                                             The good ones are those that last.

                                             Cheaper than a visit to the Fortune Teller!


  1. how about that; a recent nyt crossword answer was “signs point to yes”!!

  2. Victoria,
    I had no idea of that.
    The idea for this post came from a TV advertising a scratch off
    card related to the Magic 8 Ball.
