Wednesday, September 20, 2023

It Is The End Of Summer, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But A New Beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I shall remember this as the Summer Of Reunions--reconnecting with an older friend, my 50th high school reunion, and then my sister and her family. 

                            Oh, and I saw "Sweeney Todd" on Broadway, with Josh Groban and Company!

                           If this isn't enough for Summer, I don't know what is.  Maybe the majestic enjoyment of reading one of the year's best books, "The Covenant Of Water," by Abraham Verghese.

                           As I was taught, the seasons change on the 21st of their respective months, so today is the last day of Summer.  Meaning tomorrow is the first day of Autumn.

                           But Summer has one last surprise-- 

                               "American Horror Story" starts Season 12 tonight.  To find out what Ryan Murphy's excuse is for casting Kim Kardashian as an actress, tune in tonight at 10pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 See you in the Fall, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hmm I’ve never watched AHS and the addition of Kim Kardashian does Not make me want to start!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I will post on it later. It was terrible.
