Saturday, September 30, 2023

It Was Anything But A "Hot September," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              "Hot September" was a musical version of William Inge's play "Picnic" that was supposed to open at the Alvin Theatre on Broadway in October 1965, but closed in Boston.  Somewhere along the way, if I recall, a cast recording was made.

                                This September was a soggy one, and no "picnic morning, without a warning."

                                 Still, we managed to see a stirring production of Arthur Miller's "All My Sons," and I even got to see a movie with my movie maven friend, Chris.  We saw "The Nun 2" last Monday, and what a hoot!  I will be sure to post it soon.

                                   Along with David, I celebrated the Jewish high holidays, and St. Andrews thankfully returned to their Saturday 5PM service.

                                    David survived the deluge yesterday but had to walk two hours home to our place from where he works, in downtown Brooklyn.  He had just gotten over a regular cold, not Covid, and I got my latest Covid booster and flu shots last Sunday.

                                      Two outstanding books I read this month were "Into The Bright Sunshine--Young Hubert Humphrey And The Fight For Civil Rights," by my classmate, Samuel G. Freedman, which I urge all on here to read.  Both David and I read and liked Sarah Addison Allen's novel, "Other Birds," which was more in my comfort zone.  Also recommended.

                                       And we have some things coming up in October.  Don't forget "Trilogy Of Terror" tonight; what a way to cap off a month.

                                         See you next month, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Just think--we are three quarters of the way through 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I love that picture.
    You always find the a perfect one!!
    What a crazy day of weather you endured; a whole WEEK, really!!
    My niece was wfh thru it all. She lives in East Williamsburg now.
    Her new play is this month; I sent you the info!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for the information. The play sounds fascinating.
    Unfortunately, David and I do not go out at night. If matinees
    are added, we would definitely go.

  3. Victoria,
    So glad you liked the picture.
