Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Say It Isn't So, ANNA, Say It Isn't So!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Before getting to the matter at hand, girls, I want to wish you all a belated Happy Labor Day weekend.  And did you know that yesterday was also Beyonce's birthday?  And where did she celebrate it, darlings?  That's right.

                              "I seen Beyonce at Burger King,                                                                                                                        I seen Beyonce at Burger King,                                                                                                                         I seen Beyonce at Burger King,                                                                                                                         And she was eating.  What?                                                                                                                              She was eating.  Oh."

                             Plenty of Whoppers were consumed, yesterday.

                             Now, to the matter at hand.  I read an article in The Guardian/U.K. which stated that ANNA--Anna Wintour--is seeking a permanent residence in North or West London, to be near her good friend, Bill Nighy.  ANNA can do as she pleases, but what does this mean for New York????????????

                              Will ANNA retire from "VOGUE?"  Unthinkable.  And who would take over.  I would love to, darlings, but I couldn't even get the assistant's job.  And, girls, just because Rihanna dazzled all in that long yellow train dress at the 2015 Met Gala, does not mean she is qualified to take over "VOGUE."    Cover girl, yes; anytime.  Editor, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               ANNA, please don't leave us!  Who will run this city?  Who will we go to for fashion?????????????????????????

                               Oh, I know, I know, I am automatically expected to do this, and with my info of the NYC scene, I could probably take a stab at it, but that could mean less time with my girls.  Or maybe more, since, that way, everything I say or think would be between the pages of "VOGUE."

                                Sure, she could run it remotely from London, but I think ANNA loves the interaction.  I know I do!  And does that mean David and I should pick up and move to London.?  Like where?  You think the real estate is better over there, than here??????????  Don't kid yourselves, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Not to mention this blog would have an entirely different tone from across the pond.  I would have to write like an Edwardian snob, which would be like learning a new skill.  And at MY age???????????????????????

                                    ANNA, go ahead and buy the house in London, but please do not leave New York.  I don't know if I can take it on singlehandedly.  I mean, I can't even get Tory Burch on the phone.

                                      Nor have I yet been to Balthazar's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Save our city, ANNA, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                 

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