Thursday, October 19, 2023

Honestly, Girls, When The Highlight Of An "AHS" Episode Is Emma Roberts Eating A Dead Raccoon, You Know The Show Is Going Down The Tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       I am so sorry, darlings, I could not provide a picture of that delightful gourmet sight, but let's face it, it probably was red velvet cake or strawberry jam cake.

                      Listen, when the Virgin Mary told Jennifer Jones to "eat of the plants" in "The Song Of Bernadette," she really did.  That's how you win an Oscar, hons!  And when Roman Polanski told Mia Farrow to eat the raw meat and raw chicken livers, in "Rosemary's Baby," you can be sure she did.

                       Now, Emma is nowhere near the caliber of those actresses, as she is supposed to be carrying this season, and she so is NOT.  I know the raccoon is a rabid animal, and we don't want Emma to get rabies, but I mean, REALLY?  A dead raccoon?   Couldn't she have just noshed on a chicken or turkey leg, like Charles Laughton, in "The Private Life Of Henry VIII," back in 1933???????????? 

                         At least, this moment will stand out for me.  I cannot speak for the rest of the season, which stopped midway, and when the hell will it start again?????????????????

                         I will say it again--the stake is being driven into the coffin that "American Horror Story" has sadly become!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. I gave up on the second episode dear.

    But it could get worst...the next season could be title American Horror Story- Crocs.

    Where the whole cast wear those hideous plastic footwear strainers and they double as the murder weapon! Now that would be a American Horror Story.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    You are a delight! What even are those things you mention. I agree it is a fashion faux pas, but what are they trying to achieve?
    As for next season, after Part 1 of this, do I even care about Part 2?
