Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tonight, We Watch The Jamie Lee Curtis Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So many films to choose from; how to decide?  For me, there can only be one on this night, John Carpenter's original 1978 masterpiece, "Halloween."

                                      Like "Rosemary's Baby," it blends horror and humor. The best example is when Annie is being attacked in the car, in the garage, by the killer, frantically calling out "Lindsay! Lindsay!," her babysitting charge, while the child is transfixed before the TV set, watching Howard Hawks' 1951 horror classic, "The Thing," unable to hear anything else.  Just brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Lindsay happens to be played by Kyle Richards, sister of Kim, who played Prudence on "Nanny And The Professor."  Donald Pleasance and "P.J. Soles are also along for the ride. What a cast!

                                     But who played the child, Michael Myers?  He did not have much to do yet turned in a chilling performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This is where it all started, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Enjoy your evening, whatever you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I Loved Nanny & The Professor, I wanted to BE Prudence!!
    Singing the theme song now!!!
    ....since the day that nanny came to stay with us...

  2. Victoria,
    I once sat next to Juliet Mills at the Public Theatre,
    where I saw the play "Salonika" with Jessica Tandy, Elizabeth Wilson,
    and Mills' husband Maxwell Caufield. We talked at interemission, and
    she was very gracious.
