Tuesday, October 3, 2023

"What's Left Of Summer But A Faded Rose???????????????????"

                          Girls, we have to face facts. Summer of 2023 is history, the leaves are changing, the weather is slowly cooling down, and sadly, the flowers are fading.  The only thing that comforts me confronting this death-like event is that the Spring will bring a resurrection.

                             The March Of Time, girls.  I know, it gets us all.  The best thing to do is find something to look forward to and focus on that.  For me, it is all the reading ahead, and seeing 'Merrily' on Saturday.  And, once again, cast, you have been warned that I am coming to the Saturday matinee.

                                So, don't mourn that faded rose, appreciate it while it is here.

                               Because Autumn brings its own form of glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I share your mindset.
    Don’t be sad about endings, be excited about new Beginnings!!
    I see this over at the retirement community all the time.
    If these folks in their eighties and nineties can remain optimistic about the future, how can I feel sorry for myself in my Sixties??!!!
    Attitude makes all the difference!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You raise some good points. And Monday I was feeling under the weather and did not do much.
