Saturday, November 25, 2023

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Shows The Time-Tested Favorite, "House On Haunted Hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Oh, girls, it is simply TOO much.  From the opening, with Elisha Cook, Jr.'s talking head, to the slamming of the door at the end, this film is packed with camp.  Carolyn Craig, as Nora Manning and her over the top hysterics, when she spots the head in the box, the crazy housekeeper on a dolly, not to mention a falling chandelier, and a ceiling leaking blood, this time-tested favorite always brings a smile to the face and is such fun to watch.

                               Little Pippin, Baby Gojira's sidekick and assistant, has never seen it before , so we are excited for him.  I don't think it will be too intense, because it is such high camp.

                              I still insist that the back part of the building that was my workplace resembled the exterior of the house.  And I still stand by that, after 42 years.

                             So , join us for fun and laughs.  Time to return to reality, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Just look at that hair, and glamorous gown!  There will sure to be some sophistication and bosoms in this film, thanks to Carol Ohmart, who went on to appear in the 1967 camp horror classic, "Spider Baby."

                                Oh, girls, what we are in for, tonight!  See you at 8PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. One of my favorites!!!!! Seen it many times and never miss it at Halloween. I can't lie, the updated remake wasn't half bad either. And Carol Ohmart just may have the best horror scream of any movie.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    You are SO right about Carol Ohmart. Carolyn Craig is not so bad
    in the scream department, either. Should I really look at the remake?
    This version is so perfect.
    Enjoy it with some hot apple cider, darling.
