Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Girls, We Have A New Reader, So Let Us Welcome Her With Open Arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Our new reader is Martina Cortes, and let me tell you, Martina, you have come to this blog at the perfect time, because at this time of the year, the posts on here get crazy!  Wait till you see what I have cooked up for tomorrow.

                                     No matter how you found your way here, I hope you find it entertaining and informative.  My sensibility may be wacky, but there is some insight within.  Feel free to drop in and comment on here, anytime.

                                       So, welcome, Martina, and allow me to salute you with this blog's unofficial theme song!

                                       Here is Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!