Thursday, November 2, 2023

Happy All Souls Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          No, darlings, this is not a Holy Day Of Obligation, though I think it should be.

                          This is the day when we honor all having gone before us, like parents, grandparents, friends, and whomever we choose to honor.  I much prefer the name All Souls Day, to what it is called elsewhere.

                           So, today, be mindful of those having gone before us.  Remember them, and yes, we miss them very much.  I know I can speak for myself when I say I do.  I wish my parents had been here to see how well I have turned out.  And some others as well.

                           But let us be celebratory, not sad.

                           By the way, do you know what this day is called elsewhere?

                           That's right; it is called the Day Of The Dead!

                           Wouldn't ANNA be impressed by all those colors??????????????????


  1. my husband found those colorful skulls at Dollar Tree!!
    Filled with candy!!
    I certainly honor and appreciate my ancestors, however the young people nowadays, in general, seen less mindful of those who sacrificed so much so they could have the lives they enjoy today.

  2. Victoria,
    Those skulls are beautiful in an aesthetic sense, but otherwise creepy. Yes, the young have no sense historicity. Yesterday, I did some crying for all those having gone before me. I wish they could have lived to see what I accomplished.
