Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Virgin Showed The Children A Vision Of HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




                                     How does one follow up Lizzie Borden?  Why, with a spiritual drama of course.  In this case, it was 2009's "The 13th Day," director Dominic and Ian Higgins' brilliant treatment of the story of Fatima.   I am not kidding; with its rendering one as if present at these events, via stunning imagery and cinematography, this film comes as close as any I have seen to equaling "The Song Of Bernadette."  Yes, girls, you heard me right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Forget about Warner Bros. 1952 "The Miracle Of Our Lady Of Fatima." After viewing 'The 13th Day," that film can be consigned to the slag heap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The Virgin appeared to the children who a century later became saints--Lucia dos Santos, and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Martos--on May 13, 1917.  She asked they come to the Cova, the special meeting place, on the 13th of each month, through October.

                                            On July 13, the Virgin showed the children a vision of Hell that was so frightening it pained Jacinta.  The thought of it pains me, a sinner, who is so far beneath the worthiness of these children that how can I stand a chance?  Oh, my Jesus, have mercy!!!!!!!!!!  Mary, look to the good that I do, not the bad.  I am telling you, darlings, this one will have you on your knees, saying the Rosary.

                                              Holy Mother Of God, pray for us sinners!  You have GOT to see this film, girls, no matter what faith.

                                               And wait till you see The Miracle Of The Sun, which was supposedly witnessed by 70,000 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Oh, Mary, if ever the world needed help, it is now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “Look to the GOOD that I do, not the bad”
    I, too, say this Every Day.
    I put a LOT of pressure on myself.
    To all the world, I’m an upbeat, positive, peaceful, generous, encouraging individual.
    As I have said, I’m the First Lady of the American Theater!!!
    On the inside I’m riddled with anxiety!!!
    What can you tell me about therapy???
    What is it like? How long does it take??
    I’m afraid if I really Talk about stuff I’ll just start crying!!

  2. Victoria,
    I struggle with Catholic guilt every day and put lots of pressure on myself for that and other things. Thank you for reminding me to focus on the good. By the way David saw Cujo on his way to work, and he said the dog did not even look at him; but down the street, waiting for me to come around the corner. How I love my Cujo!
