Monday, November 6, 2023

Yes, Darlings, I Have Been To "The Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



                          Several weekends ago, David and I, with our friends Dan and Norma, took a train ride out to Long Island.  Now, I cannot tell you the last time I was out there, nor would I want to remember it.  I mean, I have my reputation to consider, girls, and if I was to be actually SEEN on Long Island?  It would be a scandal the fashion pages would surely cover!

                            Nevertheless, off we went.  Our first stop was the Nassau County Museum, that pictorial looking mansion, above.  The interior and grounds were exquisite; the latter reminded me of the garden of my Aunt Katie, in Red Bank, New Jersey, when I was a child.  She had only 4 acres of property; this had at least 40, if not more.  We sat and chatted in an exquisite atmosphere.

                           For dinner, we decided to travel, by taxi, to nearby Great Neck, where I once told myself that was where I wanted to live.  I read a novel in 2004 called "Great Neck," by Jay Cantor, which made me mad for this place.  I also knew someone who grew up there, and said if I were to live there 24/7, I would have nothing to do except become an alcoholic.

                            Now the Great Neck Diner was wonderful, the food abundant and good, and the town environs were from another world, another era.  But one I was not unfamiliar with.  Because what the guy from Great Neck said to me was the truth.  Darlings, Long Island is just New Jersey on the other side of the Hudson.  It would have made no difference if I had grown up out there.  Oh, maybe some teachers would have been better, but I think I still might have not been wired for math.  Standing on those streets was for me, going back in time.  When we were finally seated on the train, I could not wait to get back to The City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As for the Modigliani exhibit, we came to see at the museum, there were some excellent portraits and sketches, but nothing dazzling.  But then, darlings, you have to standards for museums come from The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.  I doubt Rihanna or ANNA would have even been seen here.

                                  So, girls, no fear, I am not going to be moving to Long Island.  But seeing it was a learning experience for me.

                                    The suburbs were not just Highland Park, New Jersey; they are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. that’s a great way to renew ones appreciation for Home; go somewhere Else for a little bit!!!

  2. Victoria,
    And that is the truth! Even Highland Park looked good to me,
    after Long Island.
