Sunday, December 31, 2023

I Told You It Would Be A Different December Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Oh, there was Christmas, me singing in a choir, the baby Jesus, and my mother's tree!

                                 But there was also a badly done "The Night Of The Iguana," which was surpassed by last night's viewing of the 1964 John Huston film, which I will explore another time.

                                  We saw the film "Maestro."  I got a head cold, which I am still trying to get over.

                                    We visited with friends but never got to The MET Museum.  I have seen the tree many times, and can call it up on here anytime, so it is not like I am deprived.

                                      Nothing on the Broadway front, though David, whose birthday is tomorrow, is due for a Broadway adventure, and a birthday dinner.

                                      So, though things were Christmas-y, it did not feel quite like it.  Maybe next year I will find a theme to return, to, which will liven things up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Until then, the best to everyone who reads this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. “It didn’t feel quite like it”
    couldn’t have said it better myself.
    So many hopes and fears for the coming year
