Saturday, December 16, 2023

Oh, My God! Will Barbara Stanwyck Make Love To The Gargoyle???????????????????

                                           Girls, I am telling you, if she does, it will outdo Grayson Hall in "Gargoyles."

                                           But, really, this week's "Svengoolie" offering, "The Night Walker," is one I have always wanted to see.  It is said to be Stanwyck's final film; remember, her performance as Mary Cleary in "The Thorn Birds" was a TV mini-series."

                                           And it is one of the last, if not the last, of the William Castle movies.  Oh, sure, he produced "Rosemary's Baby," but that was just a bone thrown to him, because he wanted to direct it, and there was no way Paramount was going to let him get his hands on an A-list property.  And look at the perfection of the results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          All I know is "The Night Walker" involves a woman having strange dreams.  Hey, I have those often!  And Rochelle Hudson, from "Strait-Jacket" in this too, Wonder if she will turn out to be nasty, as I first expected, in "Strait-Jacket?"  In any case, I have a feeling Stanwyck, like Joan in the other film, will be gaslit.

                                           Maybe she had to be lit, in order to make the film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Tune in with us, tonight at 8PM, to find out, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Dear...I can't wait either. I've never seen it either. You had me at Barbara Stanwyck!!!!

    I just watched last night one of my favorite holiday classics, Christmas in Connecticut. Adore her in that, and Sidney Greenstreet gave a nice comedic turn in that.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    Delightful to hear from you. Yes, this film
    I have waited for. Have never seen Christmas In Connecticut.
    I must sometime. Christmas to me is both the Baby Jesus, and
    Judy Garland singing to Margaret O'Brien in the penultimate scene of
    "Meet Me In St. Louis."

    Have yourself a merry, darling!
