Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Scrooge Would Have Been Worse Had He Been Required To Ride The New York City Subway On Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Here I am at home, darlings, nursing a head cold.  But, let me assure you if I was needed tonight to go on as Fantine, believe me, I could do it.

                          Christmas Day, David and I went into the city to meet friends, and to see the film "Maestro."  More on that, in another post.  But the subway on Christmas Day?????????  Oh, my God.  Selfish people hogging seats, or squeezing into too little space, and none of these folk were overweight, so stop blaming this practice on the obese!  The lack of class and civility...oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Remember when Scrooge asks, "Are there no prisons?  Are there no workhouses?"  He could have easily said that the other day on the city subway.  I now try to ride it as little as possible.

                                Now, I am about to read what will either be my 104th book of 2023.  Or the first of 2024.  I aim for the latter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Ta ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hope you’re feeling better!!!
    Do you have just the sinus congestion, or is it the lung congestion too??
    So many people have that lingering cough.
    I’ve really noticed it this month with all our holiday activities; sitting in packed auditoriums listening to all the coughing around us!!!
    Thankfully folks are pretty considerate around here, you rarely see someone coughing without a mask on!!
    And most people my age have been diligent about getting their covid, flu, rsv, and pneumonia shots!!!
    But, even a head cold can be pretty debilitating

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for asking. I am better, but my cold has reached an impasse. I can't shake off the sinus stuff and my voice is effected. Yes, the cough lingers too. If I am not well by the end of next week, I will go and see my PCP!
