Sunday, December 31, 2023

Well, Girls, This Is It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After This Post, We Are History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Old Man Year is getting ready to run away, while Baby New Year awaits his oncoming stay.  When next I post on here, it will be 2024, darlings.

                                  Let me say it has been a pleasure, for the past 16 years, to share all my adventures with you.  My fervent hope is that 2024 turns out to be hopeful, instead of the shit show I am fearing.

                                 Like me boxing my book reads for 2023, I say goodbye to it, with the recognition of time having passed again.  Maybe I did not accomplish all, but I accomplished a lot.

                                     Take pride in what you have done this year, darlings!

                                     It is only a day away, but I can say it---

                                                                                                       See You Next Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. And a little Happy Ole New Year to you too dear!!!!!!

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    And a very Happy New Year to you!
    How many apple martinis last night?
