Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Can You Believe We Are One Twelfth Through The Year??????????????????????????????

                       And it is a good thing too, because I hate January.  The celebratory atmosphere of the holidays comes to a screeching halt, I have my annual anxiety about not only that, but the arrival of my W2, so this time of year in general is not my best time.

                         But I have and did celebrate the birthday of my beloved David; we had our dining experience at Chadwick's and on February 11, we will be going to see the show that he picked out, which I will report.

                           It wasn't all bad.  I read "Bleak House" again, after promising myself for years to do so.  Tonight, we are all going to watch "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans," which even Baby Gojira is excited about!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                          A big month for losing celebrities, including a distant family friend, Lynne Marta.  And, no, I have not forgotten Chita, I will be doing a post on her tomorrow.   Let me just say here--they had better dim those Broadway lights.

                          So, we got through January, girls.  February is short, but with David's surgery coming up, I am anxious.

                           See you next month, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I Love that picture!!!
    Growing up in Pennsylvania we did a lot of skating and sledding.
    Just occasionally skiing, when we had the money!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I had to wear ankle supports when I skated. I haven't in years, but I remember loving it. There was an indoor skating place near us, called the Ice Palace, that I went to a lot in my childhood.
