Saturday, January 13, 2024

Girls, For My Spring Fashion Closet, I MUST Consider Getting Some Travilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                                   Just look at these gorgeous costumes by Travilla.  And these aren't even the ones from "Valley Of The Dolls," his most celebrated achievement.

                                    How I would also love to wear Barbara Parkins's pillbox hat outfit, the one where she presses her face to the train window, speeding into New York, while Dionne Warwick, on the soundtrack, screams, "Is this a dream???????????"

                                      It would be a dream come true, to wear any of these Travilla outfits   They would look fabulous at the next MET gala, with ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, girls, which designer would you choose to brighten your Spring closet?

                                     And please don't tell me Kohl's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. funny you should mention Kohl’s, a friend was just talking about how much she loves that place!!
    Myself, I have Never set foot in there!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I would never expect someone with your sophisticated taste too set foot in there!
