Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Girls, With Virtue On The Wane, Purity Can Be Measured By How One's Taste Buds Tingle When Eating Kretschmer Wheat Germ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                               Candlemass Eve, the Witches Sabbath, is just around the corner, darlings--February 1, to be exact--and where can one find a virgin, these days??????????????

                                                Not that there is anything wrong with it. Propriety has its place, and I personally think we should return to that Jane Austen level of virtue.  But in whatever letter generation we are in now, how can that be maintained?

                                                  Still, purity can be tested by tasting Kretschmer's Wheat Germ!   I would go with the honey crunch, dears, because the original is like eating saw dust.  Unless you sprinkle it over the cereal with some sugar.

                                                     Yes, dears, when I eat this in the morning, a spoonful of this opens up my taste buds bursting with so much anticipation that I feel just so ever lovin' PURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        You can have that experience too, girls!  All it takes is a bottle and a spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           It is still possible to feel pure.  Even if one is not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hmm I’ve never tried that but I HAVE used “nutritional yeast”
    It was supposed to be good for your skin.
    I didn’t notice any benefits.

  2. Victoria,
    For skin, I would use creams or moisturizers. Yeast sounds yucky.
