Friday, January 5, 2024

"I'll Find Another One Prettier Than You.........Then Go To Another Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Oh, my God, girls, have you taken a recent look at "Meet Me In St. Louis?"  I mean, the costumes by Irene Sharaf are breathtaking.  Next to Walter Plunkett's work on "Gone With The Wind," this may be the second-best movie wardrobe of all time.  From MGM, of course.  And I only thought they had Adrian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                But really, the colors, lighting and textures are spectacular.  Particularly in the close-up shot of the passengers climbing to the top deck of the trolley in that song's opening.  And how about the red gown Esther wears at the dance, culminating in the penultimate scene with Margaret O' Brien?   Has Judy Garland ever looked lovelier than in that gown?  I don't think so.

                                 Lucille Bremer as Rose is no slouch; too bad this debut was her best work.  How about when she does "Flies in the buttermilk; shoo, fly shoo," and her gestures on the "party" line?  But when you get to Hollywood by being a Broadway chorine who gives Arthur Freed a blow job, what do you expect?  I mean, when he exposed himself to Shirley Temple, she laughed out loud!  Yes sir, from the time she was a wee one, Shirl had Hollywood's number!  But Lucille wears some gorgeous gowns and hair styles; they tried her again in "Yolanda And The Thief," but things did not quite work out for her.

                                But, girls, we have got to have a mass screening of this film, which turns 80 this year, and applaud all the wonderful costumes this film has.

                               "Meet Me In St. Louis," in concept and results, is not just a film.

                                 It is perfection, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!