Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Let The Death Bell Toll For Poor "Sweeney Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         The score will live forever, but this production won't.

                                        Girls, it is happening already.  Now that Josh Groban and Annaleigh Ashford have left the show, it is turning up at the TKTS booth.  That never happened when they were in it.  And now the understudies are filling in?  Who wants to see them?  And then, on February 9, Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit are going to step in!  If, indeed the show lasts that long.

                                           Ruthie Ann Miles is giving her heartbreaking all, and continues to, but not even Ruthie can keep this going, due to the limits of her role.  Now, if they had switched her to Mrs. Lovett, that might have been interesting, but then who could top Ruthie as the Beggar Woman?

                                           The producers would be wise to close the show NOW, because I am telling you, girls, they are going to lose money on it, from now on.  Josh and Annaleigh were the drawing cards, and now they're out, no one, unless Cariou and Lansbury were brought back, could top them.

                                              I am glad I saw this show when I did.  The best production since the original, back in 1979!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not to be equaled again in my lifetime.

                                                 Quit while you are ahead, darlings!  Spare yourselves the humility!

                                                  And the desecration of a sacred masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 This is one of those rare Broadway examples of if the original cast is not seen, it is better not to see it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I know Annaleigh has a movie coming out, has a true crime series coming up, but what is Josh doing next, I haven’t heard!!
    not that he Needs to jump right to the next project; he is older and might want to Rest!!

  2. Victoria,
    I look forward to whatever Josh does next. I would love to see him in concert!
