Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Girls, I Am Telling You, Look What Pink Paisley Can Do For All Of Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




                             The other day, for reasons unknown to me, the word "paisley" popped into my head, and with it, of course, came the color pink.  So, I took a look, and, darlings, you would not believe the abundance that is out there.  No matter what shade is preferred--myself, you know, likes the pinkest of pinks, as look at the home page of this blog--there is something out there for all.

                              Imagine designing a place with paisley.  Walls, curtains, bedspreads and linen, tablecloths, sheets, towels, aprons--the whole world of one's home in paisley.  I mean, it is SO Vincente Minnelli.  And we just adore him, don't we dolls??????????????

                                This is a home decorating project worthy of the Spring.  So, start shopping now.

                                 Pink is a go to color for brightening up home and emotional anxiety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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