Thursday, February 8, 2024

Girls, Have You Seen The Latest From Charles De Vilmorin??????????????????????

                          What a plethora of color!  The patterns!  And such a prolific amount of work turned out by this most promising of still-in-their-Twenties' Frech designers I have seen!  

                           But, Charles, dear, when are you going to open your own coterie in New York City?  We are desperately waiting for it, and I, for one, would love to work with you.  If ANNA has not seen your work yet, darling, she really needs to.

                              So, when can we expect De Vilmorin to open in Manhattan?

                               I am telling you, for some, it will be the gay Black Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. I had an eccentric friend years ago, who had a house with themed rooms, and my favorite was the Peacock room!!
    That’s what the second picture reminds me of!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I would have loved to have seen that house. Your friend sounds like an interesting person.
