Thursday, February 1, 2024

Happy Candlemass Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The first celebratory day of the month is a weird one.  Candlemass Eve, which precedes the Witches Sabbath, is the night the witches mock the rituals of the church--and sacrifice a virgin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Every year this becomes more and more of a problem because--

                               Where on earth do you find one?????????????????

                                  Sexual purity is so passe that, unless one is an Almira Gulch type spinster, or zealously religious, the idea of being and remaining a virgin till the right time (ie; marriage) has gone by the wayside

                                     So, those girls who are out there, lock your doors tonight, cover them with garlic, and the shadow of the cross.  Or else the witches may come after you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Like Elizabeth Selwyn, of Whitewood, Massachusetts, "whose lust for blood made her bring about the death of Abigail Adams."  Not the President's wife!

                                       A Happy and safe Candlemass Eve to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I actually went to an art festival last year, that featured wiccan merchandise.
    Nothing shocks me any more.

  2. Victorian,
    What constitutes wiccan merchandise? I have a friend from college, now living in Wisconsin. She was one of seven children from a vey Catholic NJ family. And now she is a wiccan.
