Thursday, February 22, 2024

If Only Zadie Smith Would Write Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Zadie Smith and Jessica George are at two ends of the writing pole.  Smith is too concerned with structure and technique, but her narrative skills are lacking.  George is the opposite, great narration but low on technique and structure.

                                            Which does not mean that "Maame" (pronounced "ma-meh) is not worth reading. It is a heartbreaker about a young girl having adult responsibilities foisted on her long before she is old enough to assume them.  She cares for her ailing father, who has diabetes and Parkinson's--because her mother and brother are too selfish and neglectful. 

                                               "Maame" details the girl's attempts to get out into the world, find herself; and come to the age she should be, rather than aging prematurely.  The book ends on a note of hope, but there is much heartbreak within.

                                                  This is a first novel for George, and it is engrossing and satisfying.  She just needs to hone her writing technique, and then she could be a literary A-lister.

                                                    And darlings, remember, it is pronounced "ma-meh," not "MAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I think I might check it out!!
    It has been a while since I read a coming of age novel!!!

  2. Victoria,
    This one is worth reading. And it is set in and around London.
