Wednesday, February 7, 2024

"Thanksgiving," The Second Feature, Turned Out To Be Better Than The First!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                           I mean, darlings, as far as entertainment goes, "Thanksgiving" gave exactly what was expected.

                           With tropes echoing classics like "Friday The 13th" and "Halloween," this actually turned out to be one of the better made and original slashers I have seen in a long time.

                            Like "Friday The 13th," what is most fascinating here is that the motive is played out for the viewer in the opening scene, only the viewer does not realize it.  But in its filming of a Black Friday gone wrong, which is highly plausible, the filmmakers get it spot on right.

                              Has been actors like Gina Gershon and Patrick Dempsey turn up, because, a year after the Black Friday incident, someone donning a John Carver mask and a pilgrim outfit, begins killing people in the style of Thanksgiving.  Carver was the former governor of Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the story takes place.  My two favorite killings were when a girl got corn holders shoved into her ears, and when the bitch wife of the mall owner was cooked in the oven like a turkey, and served, legs folded, like the bird, to guests.

                                 Yes, it is the blackest of humor, but it is hilariously fun.  I will only say that the actor in the John Carver costume seems taller and thinner than whom the killer turns out to be.  Keep an eye on that.  Also, the rising tension built during the parade scene is notably impressive.

                                   The ending does leave it open for a sequel, but I think it best to leave it alone.

                               Because, as the film's tag line says, "There are no leftovers."


  1. the human turkey!!
    It’s NOT Turkey Lurkey time!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, no, no musical numbers here! But it was original and entertaining. And the turkey victim was a nasty thing who got what she deserved.
