Monday, March 18, 2024

A Sophomore Novel That Reads Like A Debut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The quality of "Such Sharp Teeth" is so outstanding I want to go back and read Rachel Harrison's first novel, "Cackle!"  As stated, it is a "werewolf novel," about a girl named Rory who goes to take care of her pregnant sister, Scarlett, and while on her way gets bitten by a werewolf.  The big reveal--which I won't---is whom the werewolf turns out to be.  

                                       Never has a novel that I have read delved into the physical and emotional pain that comes with being a werewolf.  Forget Lon Chaney, Jr. and his Universal make-up, it is a painful and agonizing experience to go through, and once losing one's human memory there is no turning back.  As scary as the novel is, Harrison makes the reader feel the pain of Rory's burden.

                                         I have her third novel, "Black Sheep," awaiting me.  I am looking forward to that, and I may go back and read "Cackle," which sounds like witches.

                                          This is the first writer in the horror genre I have been excited about in a very long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Watch that full moon, girls!  It does awful things to the hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hmm I haven’t read a werewolf book since that Dean Koontz novel!!
    Might be fun to revisit!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I assure you this woman has a fresh take on things.
    Entertaining and refreshing.
