Friday, March 1, 2024

A Victorian Welcome To March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           March is here, darlings, meaning Spring is on its way, so time to think about our closets and Spring ware.   This is the month that really begins the year for me; the first two are cold and dark and are a kind of settling in period.  But March is more settled, and the year and weather improve as time progresses.

                             The Oscars are on March 10.  And we are seeing "Wicked" that afternoon.  I cannot wait to hear "Defying Gravity" live.  And we have a social event on the 16th.  And St. Patrick's Day follows that.  And then the 31st is Easter, and those on here know what that means.  No, not candles, but the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette!"

                              And that is only what I know.  So, March could be a happening month; look at all the posts February generated.

                               More is to come, girls, so stay tuned.


  1. excited for you to see WICKED !!!
    I know you’ll give a thoughtful and detailed review!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am excited because I have loved the song "Defying Gravity" for years!
