Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Darlings, I LOVE It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, As ANNA Would Say, "Where Is The Color???????????????????"

                           Few things are as striking and colorful to me than Tarot Card Art, but I would expect this bed and linen set to be more aglow with color.  Maybe it is the way it is photographed, or the lighting, but, girls, I am telling you, if I received it like this, I would send it back, and have it custom made.

                             Oh, and that goes for suits, casual wear, even pajamas and tablecloths, which are all things Tarot Card Art can be used for.  Imagine me at the Met gala in a Tarot suit.  Wouldn't I just upstage everyone?  Even Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bet Ryan Reynolds would notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But really, this art concept is brilliant, but the color has to be as heightened as on the actual cards.  Otherwise, there is simply no point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Sorry I cannot give you a reading, dolls, I am a Raving Queen, not a Tarot Master!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hmm I see what you mean it’s like, too muted or something. too.subdued.

  2. Victoria,
    Exactly. If you have ever seen actual Tarot cards, you can see the difference.

  3. It looks blah because the mfr clearly did not want to pay the license fee to use the iconic brightly colored Pamela Smith artwork from the traditional Rider Pack.

    This bedding seems like such an obvious product ideo that SOME linen mfr must have done it right with the Rider imagery at some point (tho perhaps not recently).

  4. My Dear,
    So you are saying if I saw this live it would be requisitely bright? If so, I have GOT to have it. David liked it too.
