Thursday, March 21, 2024

Finally, Even Brett Easton Ellis Is Reduced To Emulating Donna Tartt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Like I have said, so many authors want to write their own "Secret History."  I never expected Ellis to be one of these, as he was the one who got Tartt's manuscript to his agent, Amanda "Binky" Urban, who became her agent.  And now, in 2024, we have "The Shards."

                                      Ellis also delves into his overprivileged adolescence, with his characters being no different from his once groundbreaking "Less Than Zero."  There are also echoes of Emma Cline's "The Girls," with constant referrals to Manson inspired cults in the Southern California terrain.

                                          And it is a serial killer story, to boot.  Which is what kept me going.  I cannot deny Ellis is a good writer, even with second rate ideas.  But the book fails to satisfy.  Why?  Because after the wild roller coaster ride regarding the serial killer, and all those the reader may suspect of being such, no identity is unmasked.  The most information given is that the killer has stopped in this area, and moved on to other terrain, which makes sense, but leaves the reader dissatisfied.

                                           Or is Ellis going to write another novel about "The Trawler?"  Now, that might not be a bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Come on, Brett!  First, come out of the 40 years closet you have been in, and admit Donna got their first.  Not even you can top her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               By the way, girls, I wonder what Donna is working on?  Now, THAT is something to look forward to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m sure you’ve heard by now, his longtime boyfriend was admitted to some sort of psychiatric facility last month.
    Sounded pretty serious!!!

  2. Victoria,
    No, I did not know that. Will look into it. Thanks!
