Saturday, March 16, 2024

Girls, You're On Your Own, Tonight, With "Svengoolie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   As David and I have a much overdue dinner party to attend this evening, we will not be able to watch "The Comedy Of Terrors," and that might be a good thing.  The title is obviously a play on Shakespeare's "The Comedy Of Errors," and is probably like 1963's "The Raven," which gathers together a bunch of old horror pros and lets them camp it up.  Remember how Peter Lorre stole the show in "The Raven?"

                                    I expect this film to be much of the same.  So, I want you girls to watch and let me know if I am right.  

                                    And can you imagine?  Joe E. Brown, in a supposed horror film?  That alone gives an indication how campy this is going to be.

                                     So, we won't be with you tonight, girls, though Baby Gojira and Little Pippin. might.  We will hear first thing from them.  But for those of you who watch, let me know.

                                       And let us hope next week's offering is better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Enjoy your dinner party!!
    I remember when we used to go out every weekend!!
    Life Before the Pandemic.

  2. Victoria,
    We had a fabulous time with great people.
    Yes, life before the pandemic--I was not afraid to
    go out at night. Neither was David. Now, we are.
    OF course, age and life changes figure in, too.
