Saturday, March 2, 2024

Happy 59th Anniversary To "The Sound Of Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Can you believe it has been 59 years since Julie Andrews first took that historic twirl, and audiences gasped at her voice, and the breathtaking scenery????????????

                             That's right, the movie version of "The Sound Of Music" turns 59 today.  That means next year it celebrates its 60th anniversary, and I want to see special screenings I can go to, as well as Nicholas Hammond, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, and Kym Karath--the surviving film Von Trapp children--do some publicity junkets.  They and the film deserve it.

                              Those who have a sterling DVD copy should celebrate by watching it today.  Too bad TV programmers do not know what I know, or there might be airings tonight.  Unfortunately, such tradition and sophistication has gone by the wayside.

                                 But us true SOM'ers will not forget.

                                 Happy Birthday to "The Sound Of Music!"

                                  May the hills still be alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mistress Maddie,
    50 was in 2015! Next year, it turns 60!
    My parents took me to see it the year it came out for my eleventh birthday present!
