Thursday, March 28, 2024

Laudy, Laudy And Maundy, Maundy, It's Holy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        The Last Supper....The picture...."Trials And Tribulations...." The washing of the feet...

                        Yes, darlings, it is Holy Thursday, coming down the home stretch from Lent and closer to Easter.  I am singing tonight, so I do not have much time to write, but I want to assure all my readers that I am OK.  I have been having anxiety attacks about my self-worth, now that I am retired and don't work. It has been about seven years since I retired, so I guess I am having "The Seven Year Itch." But nothing to do with Marilyn Monroe and that subway skirt thing.  I should look so good, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Oh, and

                            I survived the dentist yesterday, though there is the matter of a tooth extraction that has to be discussed, before I proceed.  Which may not be till Summer, if at all.

                              In any case, I  owe my readers an apology for not being on here in awhile.  Still reading my wonderful March Mammoth Book, so that has been keeping me busy too.  I am not sure I will finish it at the end of March; I have 276 pages to go, and they are lengthy and dense. But I will finish.

                             Again, my apologies to all.  I am slowly returning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Happy Holy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. you Have been Missed!!!
    Dental phobia is Real.
    It can be Managed, I don’t think I can be completely Overcome.

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for your support. I promise to be on here
    more often.
