Friday, March 1, 2024

One Thing To Do This Month Is To Go To The Beatrix Potter Exhbit At The Morgan Library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I mean, girls, what Beatrix Potter did with pastels and colors was sheer genius.  And I for one cannot wait to see this exhibit at The Morgan.

                                               It runs from February 23 to June 9, so March would be the perfect time to see it, what with the coming of Spring.  Imagine the joy a roomful of Beatrix Potter could bring.

                                          Here is Peter Rabbit in Mr. MacGregor's Garden, with the sweetest looking robin as his lookout.  The artistry is so detailed and intricate, one would want to jump into the picture, like Mary Poppins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                      Look at that gorgeous pinkish white background!  Has Winter ever looked so lovely.  There is this and more at The Morgan!

                                        I can't wait to see you there, darlings!  Dressed in your best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And then perhaps an afternoon tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I LOVED those books as a child, and then for my children and grandchildren!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I did, too. I loved the drawings so much. I wish I had been that good in art!!!!!!!!!!!!
