Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Beautiful, Poetic Debut Novel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The author, Hisham Matar, is known as a poet, so I was not surprised how poetically flowing the prose was in this novel.  It started out being like "The Kite Runner," but minus the sentimentality of that earlier work.  Here we have two childhood friends who go their separate ways in adulthood.  One is a Libyan ex pat who goes to Cambridge to study English literature.  How many novels reference Samuel Richardson's "Clarissa?"  Even more, his experiences were the most interesting part of the novel.

                                          His friend stays behind and becomes a political activist, becoming more and more extremist as time goes by.  And as that extremity increases, so does the friendship fall apart.

                                          "My Friends" is a poetically insightful novel of how a once enduring friendship can just fall apart.  I applauded the Libyan ex pat; I would love to study English literature at Cambridge, myself.

                                            Even more I applaud Matar's lyrical writing.  To go from poetry to prose is not easy, but he seems to do it effortlessly.  I cannot wait for his next work.

                                              This is one not to miss, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. sounds intriguing!! However I won’t be reading it so, go ahead and tell me how it ends!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Everything gets resolved. The friends confront each other, realize their past, and their differences, then go their separate ways, with acceptance.
