Saturday, April 27, 2024

Girls, Join Us At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Presents That Perennial Favorite, "Trilogy Of Terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          This film has become, for "Svengoolie," what "The Wizard Of Oz" was to us boomers growing up--something shown annually, or in the case of  'Trilogy,' possibly bi-yearly.

                          In any case, darlings, you all know it.  Especially "Amelia," the story about the Hintu fetish voodoo doll, based on Richard Matheson's short story, "Prey."

                          Everyone watches this movie for that story.

                          But my favorite story is the first, "Julie," based on Richard Matheson's short story, "The Likeness Of Julie."  Here, Karen Black plays a spinster English teacher, who is not what she seems, as her male tutorial students soon find out.  It works great as is, because everyone is so good in their roles. But I would love to see this story redone the way it was originally written--with Julie and her "boyfriend." played by teenaged actors.  The characters in the story are teenagers, and what goes on is implied, as it is in this version.  But the idea of a teenaged girl having the cunning of Julie is chilling--sort of a pubescent Rhoda Pennmark.

                            The film is a great showcase for Karen Black and reminds us how she was taken from us too soon.  And, yes, there are many gifted actors out there, but often they do not get their due.

                             So do not miss everyone's favorite "Svengoolie" feature.

                            As Julie says, "I think we are going to be friends. Very good friends."


  1. oh Rats, I missed it!!
    I don’t even remember what we were Doing that evening!!!
    What’s YOUR week look like?!!
    come on, MAY!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You really should see this one. Karen Black excels in each story. And the last shot..WOW!
    Actually, if you have 90 minutes to kill, you can see it on YouTube. Simply type in "Trilogy Of Terror" 1975 and off you go.

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    So good to hear from you. Julie has always fascinated me. I always wonder, when I see it, what made this way. Something happened when she was young to turn her into what she is.

    As for the voodoo doll story, I love it--a perfect blend of creepy and camp. Karen gives a virtuoso performance here; on a par with Agnes Moorhead in the "Twilight Zone" episode, "The Invaders."

    Tea with crumpets at four, dear?
