Saturday, April 6, 2024

Now, Hons, "American Horror Story, Delicate, Part 2" Refutes Everything I Said About "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         From the sublime to crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I really feel sorry for Emma Robets.  It is bad enough she has to work with Kim Kardashian, and cope with those child star dolls--is Summer Day, the name of her juvenile character, or the TV show? --but I wish she would return to her inner bitch.  I get the sense from her performance that she would like to, as well.

                            But there is hope, because, girls, I know Siobhan is the head of whatever is going on to sabotage Anna, (Emma) and when this comes to the fore, as it inevitably will, I think Emma will return for the moment to the bitch we all know and love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Kim is simply her transparent self.  But the one who steals the show is Chrissy Metz, as the Italian fat lady, who looks as if she has been zombified, and transferred to the AHS universe, from the set of Fellini's "8 1/2."  Saraghina, perhaps???????????

                             Really, it was all a waste of time.  I would love to see Anna's child past explored, and how she came to be, like Rosemary in a better story, selected for the role she is playing in this devil baby story.

                               If things do not improve, and I have no reason to expect they will, the AHS universe will come crashing down on Ryan Murphy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Good Riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. This has been far and away the worst mess Ryan Murphy has ever slapped his name on. Abysmal doesn't begin to cover it: damned thing simply does not work on any level (mystery, drama, camp, supernatural) whasoever. You know a show is in deep trouble when the only bright spot is freaking Kim Kardashian (as appalling as she is, I have to concede she does have screen presence and livens up the relentless gray doldrums whenever she pops up).

    You can tell they're trying for an update of the slow burn gaslight experience of "Rosemary's Baby", but without a good enough cast or The Dakota setting to carry it off. They might have also taken note that even for its fans, "Rosemary" has not aged well: that dead slow, almost inert storytelling method just doesn't resonate in the age of TikTok attention spans the way it did in earlier decades. Like it or not, the culture has moved decisively away from that.

    Supposedly this cure for insomnia is based on a book by a newbie novelist, other than licensing it for TV Ryan Murphy has been completely hands off this production (which could explain how so little AHS DNA is visible). Those who've read the book tell me AHS has made substantial deviations from its storyline, so this may yet end up with a decent surprise ending. The question is, will anyone care, or still be watching?

    The ONLY reason I'm still watching this is so I can keep up with the hundreds of nasty critiques posted to Reddit after the episode each week: the vitriol spewed by viewers who hate watch "Delicate" is way more amusing than the actual show.
