Sunday, April 7, 2024

Today Is A Day For Celebrating, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Seventeen years ago today, girls, this blog was created.  Originally, it was going to have creative writing and short stories, but it evolved into a series of think or puff pieces on just about anything that came into my mind.

                         Covid affected some changes.  I stopped writing "Bitch Of The Week," and though I have returned to book reviews, I am ambivalent about them.  But maybe, the more I write...........

                             And true crime seems to have vanished in the wake of fashion and ANNA.  I think this is due to Covid, because, in the wake of it, I want to offer humor and hope, rather than morbid depictions of parents murdering their child.  There already is too much of that in the world.

                            It is my pleasure and privilege to have been doing this for seventeen years, bringing some humor and hope to you.  My wish for all of us is another seventeen years.

                               Because I will be right there recording it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Happy Anniversary, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Seventeen Years!!! Of humor and hope
    and SO much more
    I loved True Crime, loved BOTW, love fashion, philosophy, fantasy, reality,...
    SO glad I found you and I now count you & David as FRIENDS, not just “blog-friends”!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Same here. I look forward to what you have to say. As does David.
